Monday, February 18, 2019


Last week my F/B friend, Inetta Tucker-Graham posted this question; Those of you that have been married 5-10 years do you still require roses and candy for Valentines Day?

There were several answers, all very good - there are some really good guys out there:-) That made me want to share:

My husband of 70 years marriage never missed celebrating Valentines Day, even at the very beginning before I knew there was such a day in America. Over time we had some ups and downs and not much money - we became parents of ten children and Del felt called to the ministry, starting new churches in particular. In those lean times we made candy and shared heart-shaped cookies that he helped the kids to decorate...I was served my coffee in style!

As time went by and things got easier (our children growing up and getting jobs) we started going out for dinner to celebrate, at first just anywhere, but then Del realized that my favorite food was shrimp and we started going to the Red Lobster for our Valentines celebration. Later, he found a local men's quartet and had them sing during our supper. Sweet memories!

 February 14 of 2015 Del was in the hospital on Valentines Day, in secret he arranged for one of our daughters, Marian, and three of his nurses to surprise me with the biggest celebration yet! The large sheet-cake  was shared by many on his floor. The room was loaded with balloons, flowers, teddy bear and a card with his very shaky handwriting, totally precious.

He went to his Heavenly home two weeks later, February 26, 2015.

What a guy :-) "I love you more."

Friday, February 8, 2019


So now what?

When I had the stroke - November 1, 2016 - I was put on a blood-pressure medication. I do not tolerate medications well and I have been very fortunate in not needing but one, needless to say my expenses in that regard are minimal.

As many of you know I have traveled quite a bit and was in Iceland last June where I went Paragliding - Zip-lining and tried ice-cave climbing. That was my first indication that I was not as strong as I thought I was, I expected hacking into the ice would be a piece of cake! But I was breathing a little hard for what seemed to me a fairly short trek across the tundra to the opening of the Katla cave.

All through 2017 I traveled as usual, enjoying life to the fullest, hiking in Colorado - Moab, Utah .
Visited in Minnesota, Florida, Arizona, Texas...Then I began to hear "are you wheezing, Mom?"
"you are breathing hard,Mom" ....Fast forward to the first week of the new year; Had a checkup and found out that the medication for the blood-pressure had resulted in C.O.P.D.  That was changed to another med. which lasted one day. I wasn't able to tolerate that one!

Okay, let's try another one...this is BAD! Three days later I got this horrible cough that so far is still keeping me up at night hacking away! And now other drug for the cough!

Tried the usual water and vinegar...honey...honey and water...still hacking away! "Cough-drops don't help as this is in your blood and will go away in time " :(

This has not kept me from hopping -moving-jumping...

So now what? I went and got me a pretty, new jump-rope as my old one is in my car in Minnesota!
You should have seen the face of the young man when he found out the rope was for me!!! He said "I want to visit your Iceland!" I really cracked up LOL.

With perky steps this chronologically gifted woman got into her daughter's elderly Cadillac and sped out of the shopping center huge grin on her face!

I have every intention of keeping on enjoying life. It really is wonderful!

My daughter had a great idea for my breathing exercise: Start playing my harmonica again!!!